Wednesday, July 22, 2009

39th - x tahu nk tulis tajuk apa....

My superior showed up today after she put herself on unavailable mode. As usual, she'll start to become energetic again as she was leaving all her works for the last two days. Even though, she still has intention and interest to ask about the testing that I'm running currently. She prefer for its progress and wanted to see the result. The testing is just fine and everything went smoothly. Only a few parts are still not accomplished yet but I'll try to endeavor on it when the right time comes.

It's not overdue if I tend to write down a short brief regarding the motorcycle departments. There are 3 production lines available nowadays after the 3rd line of production line was recently arrived. Meaning, this department would become a noisy place similarly with the other department. I'm wondering where is the next place I could go to release some tension and cooped myself out from this real world.

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