Saturday, June 13, 2009

6th common problem n conflict

I'm still look awkward though after the 6th day being in the factories as I could see so many things happen back there. There are so many problems occurred with all machines as it always break down and not function properly. As consequently, it's involving with all battery formation process and it has to stop as well. These time, you could see the line leader is the busiest person in there and walking everywhere for maintenance service to figure out the problem. Apparently most of the machines look too old and it supposes to be checked every time. However, they just do checking once in a while and not cover all section. They just do random checking.

Conflict happens in everywhere and it's inevitable whether you are a manager, a line leader or even the operator. We never expect when the conflict would exactly attack and start to influence in people mind. It's always happen when there is a dispute opinion, nonparallel attitude or different behavior and the victim would try to release them out by fighting. I watched this situation today where the line leader is unsatisfied with the QC's checking. The line leader was accusing the QC as a problem maker and causing the problem towards the machines supervised under him. The QC was trying to fight back and bring this problem to the management for further action. From my point of view, the QC is done nothing wrong as he did his job very well. He's absolutely innocence and the line leader never plead guilty. Silly line leader!!!!


iRsYAd said...

haaa... pe citer keje ko??

best ke boring???


pergh..boring giler..
keje aku ialah..tgk saja...
pstu, kalau ada reject baru amik keluar... nk jmpa rejenc tu ssh gler.. mengantuk...