Friday, March 19, 2010

pointless testzzzzzzzzzz

As mentioned last Tuesday directly from MDM H, we had a test today about Hydrology subject. Again, I still not understand why she wants to conduct a Hydro test even we are in the water subject. Well, the question mark remains unanswered.

Whatever the reason, I managed to sit for the test and had a go for it even I came to the class with bare knowledge - I didn't even open any notes or books and study the contents. At first, she was previewed us with one particular slide regarding the hydro and its formula and I think that is a good thing.

So, we copy all the questions which is radiated through the projector and embedded at the white hard curtain. At certain question, I'm able to figure out the answer and the rest, Mdm H just gave all the answers at the end of the test session.

I wonder, why she didn't take our paper instead she allowed us to keep them. What's the point to have a test then? She also didn't express her anger whenever most of the students were unable to answer all the questions. It's kind of weird folks.

This is just my assumption - maybe we had covered all the learning outcomes in water engineering. So, to have this type of test could be act as "killing time regime" so that at least we still have something to do rather than just sit idle. Then why she didn't give us a test that related with water engineering itself as revision or whatsoever?

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