Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Resolution...Part 006

Resolute #4. Frankly speak that to fall in love at the young age is not necessary. Plus love at the young age would distract the chance or as somewhat "threats" of successful life in the near future.

It's better if you focus on your saving activity and plan to run your own business at the young age. Once you start make money and gain loads of profits, you will feel the enchanting life in the long run. Yet the possibility of losing money need to be taken into the account as the risk is still there.

I think people are normally losing their money continuously at the young age where they pay anything just want to cheer up their loved ones and ironically, most of them are being separated in the end. From there, your invested money doesn't shine your days anymore.

Put aside the possibility for you to marry the potential rich girl and visualize this - Save money and be in business, get your mansion or apartment and buy a spacious luxury car from the profit you have gained. After both most basic needs are ready, then seek a girl and built up the happy family so that both of you will through the quality life.

Once again, the possibility of losing money need to be taken into the account as running any kind of business would put your money at stake. Think carefully before you make your move and everything you have planned must be in top-notched scale.

If you recognize yourself as the real man, then that is the path you should take but when the nature calls, it would be a different issue.

Will be continued...

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