Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Event of New Year's Eve...part 007

After a few months in the academy, my father had been given an opportunity to enhance his knowledge and sharpen his skills after was being offered to further his study in Aussie. Over the period, he had studied abroad to seek further information by underwent the collaboration research exercise between Malaysia and Australia. The researches were covering a lot of things especially on the cutting edge technology majorly involving jet fighters and choppers.

He was not the only cadet that received the once-in-a-life-time-opportunity at that time yet there were another five members had jointed the mission to form a skillful and solid team. Each members of the team had been assigned for a different task. Each one of them was expected to bring home the new information in term of skills, techniques, procedures, data arrangement and so on which could be benefited to the nation especially in fostering the national defense as a whole.

Will be continued...

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