Monday, December 13, 2010

1432 Hijrh Resolution

It was Tuesday in the past seven days and it was a public holiday in conjunction to Maal Hijrah. It means a year start in Hijriah calendar for Muslim world. Basically. all Muslim around the globe will organize small gathering at the mosque to recite the year end do'a.

Normally, the year end do'a recitation will be held before the Maghreb prayer while the year start do'a recitation will be held just right after the Maghreb's azan is over. Muslim in Malaysia have practiced this kind of routine in every year since ages and so do in another nations where there are Muslims organizations and populations do exist.

Well, I just want to write about my 1432 Hirah resolution due to this yearly event. Last year, I missed to be part of the gathering as I used to busy with my mundane affair. It seems that I was not take this at high concern and I'm shamed on myself as a Muslim.

As a result, I'm keen to come out with my new resolution to symbolize the changes I've made and keep to look forward on it all the time. My resolute lists are shown as follow:
  1. Be a good Muslim in term of deeds, behavior and attitude.
  2. Pledge myself to not miss daily worship.
  3. Living my life with full of prosperity, tranquility, solidarity, harmony, serenity and peace.
  4. Wish Allah would grant me easiness and facilitate me in conducting my daily basis and hope for Allah's bless.
I don't know how far I could keep up with those list notwithstanding it doesn't seem a far - reaching resolution but one thing I could guarantee, I will try at my best!!!

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