Thursday, April 1, 2010

CMID class is canceled....

All my group members realize that we still have a problem upon the CMID project especially at the utilities and the design part. So, we have been called to conduct an urgent meeting to figure out the best solution. So once again, we decided to have the meeting in McD.

So this week, we know that we need to present either the design part or the utilities of our project. When I come to think about both two, I decided to present the utilities part first as it's fully theory which I can just browse in the net and quoted all reliable statements rather than the design part.

To design the highway is not an easy task. Plus, I need to use software that I never get familiar with and to start the design in just a short time is totally absurd. I did come to the training of how to run this particular software last time but it just once and I think it does not enough. I need to expose more and it's requiring me some time to explore the entire fucking software.

Back to the story, after we spend a few hours to get some ideas of the utilities, finally we had done the entire requirement that need. Then we prepared the slides like what we did previously and start to memorize some explanation so that we could perform an excellent presentation.

Earlier in the morning, my friends told me that the class is canceled. I think it's a good news even I know the consequences is going bad. Surely after this, the class that canceled need to be replaced and more works will be overlapped to each other between the CMID project and FYP. To see whether it makes sense or not, only time would tell.

Well deserved photos after all that effort :)

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