Monday, May 21, 2007

Exam is around d corner!!!!

yeah! The day that I'm looking forward will reach out soon. actually, it's not about the exam week, it's all about holiday. The time that I’m free from anything like books, construction site visit and so on that involved with my studying activity.

I’m sick of it but before I could feel the excitement during the holiday takes place, I need to go through the exam first. This time, I got 2 papers out of 4 subjects that I’m running for this semester. Even it seems a little bit calamity, but I feel something massive over my head. I get rid a problem and my mind always thinking about the exam's paper again and again.

I still try to get rid of this shit and at the same time, I also try to figure out what the question's need. So, I make an appointment with my lecturer, sit and talk together, negotiating about the paper and it seems fruity at last. But for me, it still not enough yet it still a good effort rather than I didn’t do anything. From now on, I’m just focus on the predicted question that given from my lecturer.

Hopefully, all the predicted questions will be exactly same with the exam's question and I just want to answer all the questions in very please. Obviously, the result scheme become more complicated nowadays. It's really ridiculous and nonsense. The exam will take two days as it will start from Wednesday until Thursday and now, I still have two days remaining before the exam take place. Pray for me a successful as I’m counting on u guys!!!!

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